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Why Apple Computer Better than other Computer

Mac vs PC
As you may have guessed, we're rather big fans of Apple computers here at Macworld. From the pristine beautify of the new iMac with Retina display, to the svelte pleasures of the new 12in MacBook, we enjoy them all. But why do these devices cause such loyalty and affections from users, when they could buy a perfectly good PC for a lot less money? Here are 10 reasons why we think Macs are better than their Windows based brethren.

Any comparison of Macs and PCs needs to note that Macs are PCs. In fact, as Apple used to say in every boilerplate of every press release: “Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh.”
Nor is it, strictly speaking, a comparison between the Mac operating system and Windows, because a Mac can actually run Windows.
However, for the sake of argument, we'll group those various personal computers manufactured by the various PC manufacturers on one side, and those built by Apple on the other, as we answer the question: Why are Macs better than PCs?

Also read: How to move from PC to Mac and: The PC users' guide to using a Mac

The experience

Mac versus PC
The operating system on a PC or Mac is a fundamental part of the user experience. How we interact with our computers can result in harmonious atmospheres around our households and workplaces, or the anguished cries of souls that have seen too much suffering to believe there is any good left in the world. Windows 8 was something of a car-crash in terms of design and customer satisfaction. Thankfully Windows 10 has turned out to be a good OS, but there's still a long way to go.

In contrast, macOS (read our review of Mojave here) is clean, refined, stable, easy to use interface, that to our tastes is a far, far nicer place to spend your time. Touch has been ignored, with trackpad and mouse gestures proving an excellent (and we think superior) alternative, and the whole OS feels like a polished evolution of an already thoroughbred system. (Read our comparison of Windows 10 and macOS here).
You'll also like: 20 things you can easily do on a Mac but are tricky on a PC.

Seamless integration with iOS through Hand-Off

With the introduction of Continuity in OS X Yosemite back in 2015, Apple further strengthened the ties between Macs and iOS devices, something that has carried through to the latest version of macOS. Thanks to the Hand-off feature, you can start an email, note or document on your iPhone or iPad and continue on your Mac without syncing or saving anything to a cloud drive like OneDrive or Google Drive. This also applies for web searches, reminders, maps searches, and calendar adjustments.

You'll find lots of apps on your Mac that you are familiar with from iOS, such as Messages, FaceTime, Notes, and Photos. There are many apps available across Macs and iOS devices - and that number is set to increase now that Apple has anounced that it will be putting in to place measures that will make it even easier to port an app from iOS to Mac, or vice versa.
This close integration is a powerful selling point, as it means your devices all work together to help you complete your tasks without fuss or frustration.

There are too many PCs to choose from

This might sound like a bad thing, but it's true that sometimes less is more. Apple offers six different computers that come in various specs and with various build-to-order options. Apple's Macs include the MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, Mac mini, iMac and Mac Pro, and from those you'll  find a Mac that suits your budget, lifestyle and power requirements. See: Complete Mac buying guide

Because PCs don't come from a single manufacturer there are hundreds of PCs on the market. But none of these have the single vision guiding them that Macs offer.
It's interesting at this point to note that, while the Mac market share is smaller than the PC market share, this is based on all the PC manufacturers combined. Apple is in fourth place when it comes to market share when compared with other PC makers. In first place is Lenovo, followed by HP, then Dell, then Apple according to Gartner in July 2018.


Yes, that old chestnut. For years now, Mac users have flaunted the apparent invulnerability of their systems in the faces of PC using friends. While we don't necessarily condone such behaviour, there is indeed a good deal of truth involved.
Macs are continually shown to suffer less attacks than Windows-based PCs, and by quite a margin. Things are admittedly changing though, with internet-based attacks on the rise, and hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their approaches. For the time being the Mac is still the safest platform, but users would be well advised to add a dash of caution to their surfing and clicking behaviours, lest complacency usher in the neredowells.

Read more here: Can Macs Get Viruses?

They come with excellent software included

MacBook and software

PCs have a myriad of excellent software packages available for pretty much any computer-based task. Some can be downloaded for free, while others are available for purchase, but the software doesn't tend to come with the machine.
When you take a Mac out of its box you'll find an impressive collection of very useful apps including Photos, iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, FaceTime, iTunes, Maps and more already installed, so you'll be able to edit photos, make movies, create music and get your work done right off the bat, which for most people will be all they need.

There's also the Mac App Store, which grants you access to a world of additional apps that you can install on your Mac. Plus, any fear that Macs aren't compatible with your favourite Microsoft apps are unfounded; you can run mainstays like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook on a Mac.
And if you really must use Windows you can. It is possible to install Windows on a Mac alongside macOS. You really can have your cake and eat it.

Build quality

Mac versus PC

There's no denying that Macs are expensive. If all you want is a simple machine for Facebook, shopping and a little work then a Mac isn't really the best option. Buy a Chromebook instead, as they're excellent devices that only cost around £200 and can do all those things very happily. Conversely, if you think that for the cost of a Mac you could buy all the components yourself and build a more powerful machine, then do exactly that and revel in your technical prowess. More power to you.
But if you want a device that is built to the highest standards, with top-grade components, elegant styling and almost fanatical attention to detail, then Macs are some of the most beautiful consumer electronic products on the market right now.

See also: Should I buy a refurbished Mac?

Apple optimises the components

Every component in every Mac is optimised for performance and to ensure that it requires less power. Where the argument that Macs feature better-quality components has been moot since the switch to Intel processors in 2006, with Apple using many of the same components in Macs as their PC counterparts, the fact that the company can design its operating system to use these components better is significant. It's why Apple can issue firmware updates that improve the way certain components work in Macs, and why a new operating system update can actually result in an old Mac achieving better battery life.

The bad news is that because of the way these components are built into Macs, they are not easy or, in many cases, possible to upgrade at a later date. In order to slim down the case and optimise the way the system works, Apple has compromised the ability to upgrade a Mac at a later date.
PC fans often note the fact that Macs aren't user-upgradable. These days the only way to add more RAM or a bigger hard drive to your Mac is if you purchase it as a build-to-order option when you first buy the Mac from Apple (in some cases it can be done, with some Macs easier to update than others, but it's not for the faint-hearted, and it will void your warranty). For some this will be a negative, but for many the idea of upgrading their Mac a few years down the line isn't something they'd even consider doing. Read more in: How to upgrade a Mac.

If you want to be able to customise your machine then a PC might be a better option, but many people just want a machine that works. Unfortunately, one of the negatives of upgrading a PC is the conflicts that arise and the issues faced when the required drivers are missing.
Speaking of drivers: on a Mac you can plug in a camera, printer or install software and it just works.

Macs have the best screens

Mac versus PC

Many might scoff at the idea of a Retina screen (after all isn't it just a HD display?), but Apple's range of laptops and iMacs boast some of the most stunning screens you'll see on the market right now. Pair that with the consistent performance in terms of high DPI display, as opposed to the various scaling issues we've experienced on high-end Windows laptop's and Retina-equipped Macs are crystal clear winners.

Customer support

If things go wrong then it's reassuring to know that Apple offers various good support and service options. Apple consistently ranks as one of the best for customer support. Most Apple products come with 90 days of complimentary phone support and a one-year limited warranty.
The support services offered by Apple include telephone support, support using online tools, and support at Apple Retain Stores where you can book an appointment with a Genius. There are also a number of Apple Authorised Service Providers who can help you with any issues you face.

User satisfaction

Mac versus PC
In the end, a Mac is an electronic product, and it needs to justify its princely sum to the paying customer. This is, as they say, the bottom line. Thankfully the Mac has spent more than a decade at the top of customer satisfaction surveys, which is no mean feat when you consider that they are expensive items that promise much to the prospective buyer. The fact that Apple delivers the good, literally in many cases, is probably the most compelling argument of all, and shows that most people who purchase Macs have few, if any, regrets.

So that's it, our top ten reasons why we think Macs are better than PCs. Obviously many of you will have different opinions, which no doubt will be voiced in the comments below. Before we don the obligatory fire-retardant underwear, take a look at this list on our sister site PC Advisor which argues the case for the other side. In the end great computers are just great computers, no matter what the brand. So if you find one that suits you then keep hold of it. Read PC Advisor's attempt to prove that PCs are better than Macs here.
Which are better: Macs or PCs? In the video below, which we recorded a few years ago now so bear with us, we try to put this issue to bed once and for all.

The idea of switching to a Mac computer after being a PC user is a common temptation, but many folks haven’t made the jump because either it costs too much or there is too much invested in a PC system. Other folks believe they would have to recreate all their files, recreating tons of data in a different format. With today’s technology that challenge is a bit of myth now, but it’s still enough to hold people back. However, here are some interesting reasons why a switch might be a really good idea.

1. The Operating System Got a Lot Better

OS X for Apple was a gamechanger. Prior to that point, the operating system didn’t really work with any other system and wasn’t meant to. Whether it was Linux or PC, the Apple OS was simply incompatible territory. Then OS X came out and suddenly Apple computers became professional machines instead of hobbyist packages.

2. The Mac Mini

The release of the Mini revolutionized the desk space. No longer was there this clunky processor unit taking up a fourth of the desk. This Mini thing instead appeared and worked just fine with everything plugged into it. It worked, it was functional, and it was dependable. Not to mention, people started realizing the Mac was a far safer computer to work with. The big bad world of the Internet generally wrote viruses for PC computers, not Apple.

3. Apples Don’t Need Drivers

Say what? For anyone who has had to fuss with Windows or re-installing that software, drivers are the bread and butter of the package. When the wrong drivers are present, bad things happen. So it can be a guessing game and a pain to get things working again correctly. With an Apple, however, there’s no need for drivers because an Apple computer had its software built into the hardware. Ergo, there’s no need to keep fussing with drivers and updates.

4. Cost

You Get What You Pay For – Yes, Apple computers cost more, but they don’t drop to $10 in value a few years later. Instead, Apple computers keep quite a bit of their value and people still want them used. This is because they are simply built better with quality materials. Instead of a plastic case, they have an aluminum one. Instead of cheap circuitry, their computers are built to withstand use and keep going. Instead of feeling like one is carrying a suitcase, Apple laptops are built for comfort and low weight demands. When you add up all these factors, the cost doesn’t seem so expensive for what one is getting in a computer. It’s a bit like comparing an economy car from Ford versus a mid-line Toyota.

5. Portability

With the Apple system flowing back and forth between the Mac, the iPhone, and the iPad, a user’s portability of information is at a maximum. Apple set the standard for smart devices, and while there are competitors, Apple devices are still sought after as the best version on the market. And they don’t have a problem with hacks and virus sharing, at least not near as bad as PC systems do.

6. Great Sleep Mode

Someone must have sold their soul to someone who lives in a hot place. Apple computers are amazing at how easy it is to put them into sleep mode and then return from suspense almost instantly. Try doing that with a PC and things start to go weird after a few months. At first, Windows 7 does the job correctly, but over time, the system glitches and hangs. For whatever reason, Microsoft just can’t seem to get a simple hibernation feature design correctly that stays stable in use.

7. (This is Painful) Windows Runs Better on Apple

To add insult to injury, Windows OS runs better on an Apple computer than a PC. The glitches go away and the system runs with a far smoother performance. Every since OS X was created, allowing Apple users to use PC programs on a Mac, the world changed and expanded for Apple users. PC users still sat in the same place as before.

Macs are not the end-all, be-all for computing, but they do have significant advantages to a PC computer. When one actually has some time to work with one for a test drive, the benefits and amenities start to become apparent. Everyone’s needs are different, so really the best way to compare is to experience the difference personally.

There're many disadvantages and advantage of owning Macbook rather than owning windows laptop. It totally depends on your workflow and the usage. I'll list down some advantages and disadvantages by assuming your workflow quite similar to mine.

  • Insanely beautiful and stylish appearance.
  • Beautifully crafted metal unibody design.
  • Great touchpad user experience that you can't even imagine in the windows world.
  • Beautiful display that suit for video and photo editing. ( Only in Macbook Pro )
  • Great backlight illuminated Keyboard.
  • Painless software updates ( You have fully control over your update settings and it's​ quite user friendly than windows world )
  • Ton of keyboard shortcuts and trackpad gestures that definitely speed your workflow.
  • If you own iPhone or iPad by any chance you can see how nicely ios features integrated to the Mac Os ( Ex - Continuity )
  • Speedy turn off and turn on capabilities.
  • Reliable battery life ( around 9–10 hours in Macbook pro 13 inch )
  • You can develop iOS & Mac apps using xcode if you're a developer.
  • Reliable than windows and I have face minor stutterings when comparing with my past windows experience.

  • Definitely Overpriced (Someone will definitely argue with me but please accept Macbooks are overpriced when comparing with windows equivalents )
  • No upgradable parts inside. ( Soldered ram cards & hard drives )
  • Difficult to repair.

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