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Apple Highlights 2019

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference is still in full swing, but we were all given a glimpse at the new lineup of updates expected this year. Software updates, a Mac Pro refresh and more will be rolling out soon.
In case you missed the two-hour keynote, here are the big Apple updates from 2019 WWDC.

Hello, New Mac Pro and Monitor!

Image courtesy of CNET.
It looks like the trash can design has been tossed away, with the new Mac Pro sporting a modern, modular design. The new design allows for much better airflow than the 2013 design, with 1.5TB internal storage space. It also features 12 DIMM slots, two USB-C Thunderbolt 3 ports, two more USB-C ports on the top, three large fans, aluminum grille and much more. The new Mac Pro has a pretty price tag at $5,999. The new 6k Pro Display XDR monitor has an also staggering price tag of $4,999. The 32-inch LCD display can connect up to six additional displays as well.

New Siri, Who Dis?

Siri has come an extremely long way over the past few years. The artificial intelligence assistant makes it easier than ever to remain hands-free with your Apple devices, from AirPods to Apple CarPlay. Apple has upgraded the feature to also read incoming text messages over Bluetooth devices, with the option to respond via voice command. Siri also has a new voice, which is created from neural text-to-speech technologies instead of human-voice recordings.

A New iOS to Match Your Dark Side

Image courtesy of MacRumors.
iOS 13 will bring the option to change your user interface to dark instead of light colored. This dark mode is already available on MacBook and Mac Pro, but is still a long-awaited feature for iPhone and iPad.

Major App-dates

A lot of the classic Apple Apps will be getting nifty new features. The music app (see iTunes below) will have a fun lyric feature so you can karaoke anywhere you go. Messages will also be getting an update with suggested sharing options and new functions to make texting even more convenient. If you’re chatting with someone about upcoming plans, the updated Reminders app offers quick reminders that pop up in your chat with whoever else may be mentioned. The Photos app gets an organizational update to help with more functional sorting, Memojis will have even more personalization options and Maps will offer photos of the destination you’re in search of while also updating your friends with your ETA.

iPad OS

Image courtesy of YouTube.
iPad will finally have its very own operating system. The multi-tasking feature will have even more new and exciting gestures, such as splitting screens between apps. iPads will also now be able to read both a USB thumb drive and USB cable directly to the devices.

Adios, iTunes

With the next macOS update, Catalina, we’ll be saying goodbye to iTunes. Instead of one app, it will be split up into different apps for music, podcasts and TV separately. The new music app will feature more colorful and organized icons to help you locate your preferred music, along with new recommendations.

Anything Else?

Much more. The updated tvOS will start supporting Xbox and PS4 controllers along with the new multiuser feature. The Find My iPhone (or other Apple device) app will now let you search for the missing device even if it’s offline by using other surrounding branded devices. iOS and macOS will offer voice command for convenient control, and security will also be enhanced across HomeKit and apps.
Are you ready for the big updates coming? If you’re looking to sell your old iPhone, iPad, MacBook or Mac computer, Gazelle can fetch you an instant online quote. We also have a large selection of these devices for much less than retail, so check out our online store today

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