Light Speed: How Fast Does Light Travel?

To quote the late, great Douglas Adams: “Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to space.” Once we get outside of our own solar system, our nearest interstellar neighbor is four light-years away. What is a light-year, and how fast does light travel anyway? Let’s take a closer look at light speed and what going faster than it really means, for those of us that don’t have a degree in astrophysics.

Why Light Speed?

First, why are we even concerned about light speed? Why not try traveling faster than the speed of sound?
For one, we’ve already broken the speed of sound, multiple times over. Sound, in an atmosphere, travels at roughly 761 mph at sea level. Every time we launch a rocket or send a fighter jet screaming skyward, we break the sound barrier.
Light speed, or the speed at which light travels in a vacuum, has fascinated us since a Greek scientist, Empedocles, argued with Aristotle about whether or not light moved. Galileo tried an experiment to see how fast light traveled using covered lanterns in 1667, but the distance between the lamps — a mile — wasn’t enough to see any delay.
Now we know that light moves, but how fast does it travel in the vacuum of space?

How Fast Does Light Travel?

Light, when unobstructed by anything and traveling through the vacuum of space, moves at 299,792,458 meters per second. Light isn’t the only thing that travels at this speed — all electromagnetic fields, including infrared, radio waves and X-rays, travel at the speed of light. You can apply that to any distance to see how long it takes light to travel.
The moon is 238,900 miles or 384.4 million meters from Earth. If you divide the distance between the Earth and moon in meters by the speed of light, you find out that it takes roughly 1.3 seconds for light or other electromagnetic fields to travel between them.
The sun is 92.96 million miles or 149.6 billion meters from our little blue marble. Dividing that distance by the speed of light shows you that light travels from the sun to Earth in 491 seconds or 8.18 minutes.
Now, our math is all rough estimates — but it gives you an idea of how scientists calculate both the speed of light and interstellar distances.
