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What is Spam?

Definition of Spam

Spam is defined as irrelevant messages sent to computer users using the internet as a medium with a motive of advertising, phishing or releasing malware. Spam is usually sent in the form of bulk emails to users, which is commonly referred as email spam.  Other forms of spams that you may come across include unsolicited messages on instant messaging, blog comments section, social media posts etc. Those who are engaged in sending email spams may upload an excel file to the mailing system and shoot thousands of emails with a single click. To get rid of spam, nowadays many companies offer anti spam software. We have discussed the benefit of an anti-spam software in the bottom section of the article.

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Why are Email Spamming Techniques Used?

As the problem of spam emails has been constantly increasing, anti-spam techniques are developed to block and filter email spams. Hence, spammers identify new techniques to shoot such kind of emails bypassing the system. Check below some of the mail spamming techniques used by spammers.


Open Relay is a type of computer that allows anyone to send emails without being traced to the origin.


Collection of an email address is a crucial part of sending spam emails. Spammers use several methods to fetch email ids starting from internet research or just guessing a mail id.


As the awareness of spam has increased, people can detect spams from the mail subject and discard the same. So spammers use headers such as ‘Re’, ‘Hi’ or ‘Unpaid Invoice’ etc. These kinds of headers may make you curious and you may be prompted to click on those email links or download the attachment.

Why is Spam Email Dangerous?

Spam emails are not only irritating for the recipient but also considered harmful as you may be at the risk of losing your personal and financial information. Senders of unsolicited emails may try to deceive you by asking you to enter your financial details like credit card information to receive an attractive offer. You may also be ticked to download a free software, which may include a Ransomware.

How to Block Spam Emails?

Different email provider such as Yahoo, Gmail, and Hotmail have different types of settings to block spam emails. If you want to know how to block spam emails from any particular provider, you can go through their tutorials. Some common techniques to remain safe from unwanted emails are clicking on the unsubscribe button, blocking the sender, Reporting Spam etc. You can use these techniques to block spam emails. Besides, email providers also automatically detect emails as spam based on their algorithm and stock them under junk folder.

How to Stop Junk Emails in Outlook?

If you are using Ms. Outlook then you should know how to stop junk email in Outlook. You may come across emails with the subject of ‘Work from Home’, ‘Unpaid Invoice’, ‘and Friendship’ etc. Although Outlook has a Junk Email folder, you may still receive these types of emails in your inbox. Hence, you need a strong email spam blocker to stop such kind of emails. REVE Antivirus has an anti spam feature that is ideal for Outlook users. When you install REVE Antivirus in your PC, it automatically syncs with your Outlook and a folder by the name of ‘REVE Spam’ is created, where all spams emails are stored based on subject and category.  It has excellent outlook spam filter that can recognize unwanted emails.

Importance of an Anti Spam Software

The anti spam software helps you remain protected from Computer Viruses, Ransomware, Trojan and Phishing. Hackers use email as a medium to circulate viruses, so an anti-spam software is a must-have if you are internet user. REVE Antivirus with anti spam feature detects and blocks spam emails.

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